
Citizens of Heaven

Whenever one takes an international flight, one must fill something up, e. g. name, date of birth, age, and citizenship. The Citizenship indicates that where you are from, to which country you belong, such as Chinese, or Filipinos.
However, today’s first reading tells us that our citizenship is not in this world but in heaven, in other words, we are citizens of heaven. In this sense, we are not Chinese, nor Filipinos, we are citizens of heaven.
What does it mean by it? It means that we are, first of all, pilgrims in this world. We are bound for somewhere else. The world is not our home, and there is no permanent city for us in this world. It also shows us that our only destination is not in this world but in heaven, which is our homeland where it is our “terminal station.” Hence, we are heavenward.
Are you a citizen of Heaven? Are you heavenward?
